UK 2006 99m Directed by: Martin Holland. Starring: Mark Strange, Graham Brownsmith, Malcolm Hankey, Stephanie Fend, Cathy Miller, Stuart McDermid, Alexandra Bliss, Patrice Krim, Cathy Bone, Ricky Lam, Andrew Barrett, Geoff Coxhead, France Joemiel Dan..
Stel, a humanoid alien, teams up with a British soldier Private John Marrettie. They engage to find a top secret file which holds information on advanced energy production, captured space crafts and their alien pilots including Stel's missing father.
Judging by some of the reviews on this site, you would think no one had ever seen an independently produced film. As a hugely ambitious science-fiction adventure clearly made without either budget or professional actors, 'Displaced' is nothing short of astonishing. Rough as the edges may be, owing to apparent financial restraints, the film remains a testament to the skill and tenacity of its director, Martin Holland and producer Mark Strange.
In its current state 'Displaced' is less a completed, commercial movie than it is a calling card by a production team of promise - a six-years-in-the-making showcase for moments of high action and suspense crafted with technical ingenuity and a natural instinct for the pulse of popular cinema. The eye, and the art, of this most resourceful and resilient director and producer team deserve a little more respect.
Review by john-5169 from the Internet Movie Database.