Apart from a couple of physics-related inaccuracies (which I'm sure will go unnoticed by the vast majority of people), a limited number of dialog imperfections, and a few lines where the heroine could've done better acting (voice-wise), this movie is BRILLIANT! Who would've thought you could watch two fellows talking for over an hour and enjoy every minute of it? Better yet, the developments and twists are cleverly woven in that when it all hits you in the end all you want to do is watch it again now that you know what you didn't know in the beginning. Not many movies do this to you these days.
I have to say that I would've been seriously depressed if the movie didn't end the way it did. It was a huge relief, and joy, that such an exceptionally clever plot didn't blow it by a disappointingly stupid ending.
I'm really looking forward to seeing more great movies from this new, yet not short of talented, directorwriter. I think this movie shows that he's capable of producing potential Oscar-winning material.
Review by Jack Clouseau from the Internet Movie Database.