The DVD blurb was promising enough. Evil corporate mercenaries, space elevators, material science experts, oh my. So far, so Phillip K Dick. However this film is as far from Total Recall as you could get as there was about nil to crap worth remembering in this below Sci-fi channel effort.
Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. That's all you get from this. No action, no special effects, nothing. Corporate espionage plot. Waste of time. Romance sub-plot. It's all filler because this was a production that decided to put on the shoulders of it's poor cast, the impossible task of bringing credibility and gravitas to a premise that even James Cameron would have issues with simplifying. You cannot make films this high concept on a budget this small and if any L.A mavericks out there care to differ, than at least put some sex and violence into your picture you nerdlingling nimrods. No one wants to listen to shop talk for 100 minutes. No one. They're lying if they're saying otherwise.
This emotionally sparse screenplay is not helped by actors who perform this muted andor woodenly. Not like cast chemistry could have solved the over ambitiousness of Skyhook, but it sure as hell could have made it go a lot faster. Skyhook has a decent, reality based idea and nothing more. It is an under-budgeted sci-fi espionage thriller that is also poorly executed with flat direction, flat acting and severely underwhelming special effects. This was an egregiously boring film that thought that if it threw money at the last ten minutes, all that occurred before would be forgotten and forgiven. Well, they at least got one of those right.
I hate to sound this harsh against a film that seems like it's trying, but Skyhook had too much investment in it's own science babble to give the audience a reason to care.
Review by daniel-mannouch from the Internet Movie Database.