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USA 2018 102m      Directed by: Jonathan Baker, Josh Baker. Starring: Myles Truitt, Jack Reynor, Dennis Quaid, Zoë Kravitz, James Franco, Carrie Coon, Ian Matthews, Gavin Fox, Stephane Garneau-Monten, Lukas Penar, Carleigh Beverly, Lily Gao, Michael B. Jordan. Music by: Mogwai.
Chased by a vengeful criminal, the feds and a gang of otherworldly soldiers, a recently released ex-con, and his adopted teenage brother are forced to go on the run with a weapon of mysterious origin as their only protection.
I am always ready for some original science fiction to see at the movie theaters. With science fiction being my favorite genre I had to see this film when I found out it was based on a short film I saw on YouTube (presented by DUST) a few months ago. My first thought was how can they make an entire film out of that. Well I will tell you..
The good elements about this movie are the photography, direction, sound effects and mostly the acting. This movie will carry you along with 3 (if not 4) good performances. James Franco comes of creepy and frightening as the criminal leader, Jack Raynor is very convincing as the out of control older brother, and I have always liked Dennis Quaid who does well here (I always felt he could have replace Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones back in the day). But its newcomer Myles Truitt the brings it home with his great performance. If it was not for his performance in this movie I don't think it would have worked...at all. There is one scene with him in particular that I thought was really well directed and performed. This scene (no spoiler) comes while he is watching a news broadcast on TV and the camera stays on his face as you see his reactions. Brilliant.
Ok now the bad stuff...its not really a sci-fi "romp". This is a Science FictionDRAMA with some action and I think that will disappoint a lot of people, WHY, I'll tell you why...marketing. The trailer and commercials make this movie out to be a high pace action film when it's not. There is action in it but mostly at the end. To me its not a bad thing that you get an emotional story with a sci-fi backdrop but I just wish they would have marketed the movie that way (but I guess it worked cuz it got me in the theater, lol). I have always liked science fiction movies that deal with the real human emotions in situations of a science fiction concept and this movie hits that perfectly. It's not trying to rush to the next action set piece and cut corners for the sake of a thrill because it has a story to tell first. Some may be bored and shout "just start shooting the gun or something!" but not me, I was quite pleased with this drama because I got invested and expected a very satisfying conclusion...well.
The biggest blunder in the movie is the climax and ending. The ending action climax was engaging and somewhat fun to watch but once you think about the logic of the situation your suspension of disbelief goes out the window. I see what they were trying to go for with this action scene but it just seemed like it was not thought out completely. Then with all the human drama throughout the film that is very interesting and engaging I was happy think that I was going to get a huge Sci-fi payoff at the end. You do but...Its very unsatisfying is the best way to put it. You get a vague if not off kilter explanation and you slightly feel like you just stepped into another movie. PLUS the biggest let down for me was that it leaves things hanging with the door wide open for a sequel. This I thought was very disappointing because I wanted to get a conclusion to THIS story I was wrapped up in for 100 min. I wanted answers to what was going on, not a vague explanation of things that I don't understand. I think this ending would have work if they kept leaving clues throughout the film that would lead to this vague explanation then I think it would have been more expectable because we saw the pieces and then we would have only knew what the main characters know. There is one clue, actually, but its only touched on once and I wish it would have been explored more. I guess we got to wait for a sequel to get the answers I want. (The main question "What the hell is the laser gun?")
Is the movie worth watching...yes. Is there enough spectacle to see it in the theater...sadly no (only if you want to support original theatrical films). Put it like this, if this movie does become a slight hit and it spawns a franchise I can see critics and reviewers stating how the sequels didn't capture human drama and wonder of the first film. That's what kind of movie this is, a real movie, with a real story that includes a science fiction element that can greatly be expanded on in sequels. A world was built here but, but I hate to say it, KIN would have been built better on Netflix.
Review by daddyxj-1 from the Internet Movie Database.