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Return of Mr. Superman

Return of Mr. Superman (1960) Movie Poster
India  •    •    •  Directed by: Manmohan Sabir.  •  Starring: P. Jairaj, Sheila Ramani, Naazi, Shammi, Majnu, Helen, David Abraham, Ram Mohan, Jagdish Kanwal, Heera Sawant, Nazir Kashmiri, Mohinder, Arvind.  •  Music by: Anil Biswas.
    Childless farmer Ram Dayal comes across an abandoned child, who had landed from a spaceship, takes him home to his wife, where they decide to adopt him and name him Jaikumar. When he grows up he excels in wrestling, overcoming even much older children. Then he uses his powers to discover buried treasure, which his foster father donates to the Government. Years later, Jaikumar has re-located to Bombay where he works as a Journalist with a publication called 'Azad Desh'. Using his super-powers, he is able to unearth a number of criminal conspiracies and makes phone calls as 'Mr. Superman' to Inspector Dilip Desai. Then a series of robberies take place and the police are notified by victim/complainants that the culprit is none other than the masked caped crusader himself. Watch what impact this has on Jaikumar's credibility with the police and public on one hand and with gangsters on the other.


Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
Image from: Return of Mr. Superman (1960)
The opening credits, projected next to a spinning globe, as various other "planets" noticeably sway in the breeze of deep space, reeks of cheapness and ineptitude, a bad sign of things to come. Segue that into relaxing stock footage from an Indian travelogue, and a lot of it, and I start thinking I have probably found the lamest Superman ripoff yet.

Filmmakerd used cheap animation to save costs of special effects, and second-tier wallpaper as backdrops, which only reaffirms my earlier suspicion, and then-! We see out hero, 1960 Indian Superman, clad in driving goggles and leather helmet, black body suit with a white towel wrapped around his neck for a cape, and black boots, and I now have all the confirmation needed, this is indeed the crummiest Superman ripoff I've seen yet.

Not that this matters, but the plot is incomprehensible, and a lot of the footage appears to be silent, with silly music dubbed in later. Furthermore, by titling it Return Of Mr. Superman, it sounds like this is a sequel to a film we never saw, which in and of itself makes this film's origin story setup even more confusing. Only for the most die hard-Superman fans.

Review by Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki from the Internet Movie Database.