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Time Warrior

Time Warrior (2012) Movie Poster
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USA  •    •  90m  •    •  Directed by: Joaquin Rodriguez.  •  Starring: Gavin Andrus, Peggy Anger, Daniel Ball, Aj Benson, Ashley Benson, Sean M. Boisselle, Shanti Bowes, Justina Brittain, Vanessa Convery, Monej Cruz, Aspen Daley, Ken Delosier, Nicolas DeMaria.  •  Music by: Dina Fanai.
      When a pirate version of the most popular -first person shooter (FPS) video game e.g., Call of Duty- lands in the hands of Matt and Jimmy, they immediately think is the coolest video game they have ever played. Little they know that what it seams to be their favorite video game, is actually and evil recruiting devise to turn selected kids into real Time Warriors at the service of ''The Lord of War'' an evil character behind every war since the beginning of time.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Time Warrior (2012)
Image from: Time Warrior (2012)
Image from: Time Warrior (2012)
Image from: Time Warrior (2012)
Image from: Time Warrior (2012)
Image from: Time Warrior (2012)
There are some things being said in the other reviews that I disagree with, the women in the film are not that bad at acting. The stripper and the blonde mom actually did a great job. The little sister, who disappears a little past half way through the film - don't know why, was pretty good too. All of the men are in great need of acting lessons or how to hold a towel over one arm while asking "smoking or non-smoking" before taking people to their tables. The lead was bad and that is never a good thing. Everyone keeps raving on and on about how the budget must have been spent on the special effects - OK, so the Lamborghini, and the other hot sports car, and the helicopter were dirt cheap to rent right? Without knowing what it cost to rent those cars it seems it must have been a big part of the budget along with that really nice house that was featured - unless that was one of the cast member's. If you are looking for a tidy close you are in for rough seas; in every direction nothing made sense.

He is supposed to be a Time Warrior but doesn't ever travel time. The plot holes are everywhere - jumps wall without skateboard, gets home has skateboard, sister creepy and into game, sister vanishes from the film, black dust comes out a guys throat - because of why???? And again, no time traveling. I am still trying to cope with the idea that Donkey Kong never has a donkey regardless of the level or the idea that the San Diego Freeway doesn't go to San Diego! I don't need more confusion.

It was way better than Laser Blast, and way worse than Night of the Comet. But don't hate on the womengirls - do hate on the menbulliesdadsleads, yes, do. The seed of a great concept is in this so it may be worth your watch, just be prepared to pay for that seed with your time and a small part of your brain that will die forever.

Review by R B from the Internet Movie Database.