USA 2011      Directed by: Justin Soponis. Starring: Jack Abele, Terrie Batson, Johnny Blanton, Michael Blaustein, Caitlyn Brarens, Jack Brarens, Darius Bridges, Nathanial Carter, Mia Clarke, Jeff Folks, Misty Hall, Alisa Harris, Jack Harrison. Music by: Kenneth Lampl.
Captain Jack and his band of intergalactic bounty hunters thought they'd seen it all. But when they crash land on Earth in pursuit of a dangerous space felon, they find that the south really is one of the dirtiest places in the universe. When their quarry begins to hunt them its up to Jack, his team, and a couple of good ole boys to sober up, quit chasing earth tail, and act like heroes! Easier said than done...
I witnessed the opening of this film at Horrorfind Weekend 13 convention. I went into the theater expecting the worst, and was pleasantly surprised. If you enjoy gritty humor, raunchy even, then you will find something redeeming here. The main female character is super sexy, I must add. Some cute cast selections help carry the unwary viewer. Lets get real here, the exploitation of aloof and ignorant Rednecks in horror has been abused heavily in the past. Strangestuff goes there once again, and they somehow manage to splice that overused concept with dashes of Revenge of the Nerds, Star Trek, and the Blob. The jokes run thick, and teeter between insanely funny and obliviously bad. All in all, I can see this oddball flick becoming a cult classic.
Review by Lyhue W from the Internet Movie Database.