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Starship (2011) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  172m  •    •  Directed by: Matt Lang.  •  Starring: Joey Richter, Brant Cox, Nick Lang, Lauren Lopez, Brian Holden, Jaime Lyn Beatty, Jim Povolo, Denise Donovan, Julia Albain, Joe Moses, Dylan Saunders, Joe Walker, Meredith Stepien.  •  Music by: Darren Criss.
    Bug wants to be a Starship Ranger, but there's one thing they are he's not... human! On a far off world, one small alien bug sets out to find love and save the universe! So get ready because the Future is Now!


Image from: Starship (2011)
Image from: Starship (2011)
Image from: Starship (2011)
Image from: Starship (2011)
Image from: Starship (2011)
Image from: Starship (2011)
Image from: Starship (2011)
First of all for the uninitiated, Team Starkid is a Michigan based theater group known for creating parodies of well known pop culture, eg: the immensely popular A Very Potter Musical in 2009 followed by the latest trilogy in the series in 2013. Fans If you are familiar with their brand of humour and inside jokes, this show should be a treat to Starkid fans. In terms of story, lets say it shares many elements of Disney's Little Mermaid and is not taxing on the drama front, playing more on laughs and in some instances some innuendoes & mild swearing which definitely do not feature in your average Disney cartoon. What I liked most about the show was the earnestness of the actors, who often had to double up as puppeteers or prop artists between scenes but never failed to stay in character. The story's main message dwells on accepting being yourself and not let it stop you from fulfilling your dreams however far fetched they may seem to you or others. The songs are the second draw,fantastic hummable numbers originally composed and written by songwriter and actor Darren Criss who could not take part in the play due to his commitment on Glee! I hope Team Starkid continues to keep their future projects simple and fun.

Review by girlingreen from the Internet Movie Database.