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When London Sleeps It Came Alive

When London Sleeps It Came Alive (2010) Movie Poster
UK  •    •  74m  •    •  Directed by: Johnnie Oddball.  •  Starring: Nick Acott, Tony Arnold, Alex Barclay, Dan Butler, Martin Carey, Huw-j Davies, Keylee Jade Flanders, Emma Gillson, Andrew J. Gordon, Ed Hartwell, Phoenix James, Carl Joseph, Dom McHarrie..
    A mocumentry following a hapless yet determined crew as they try to make a hit sci-fi feature with nothing in the budget but hopes and dreams. Follow the adventures of the crew as they battle with cold weather, lack of funds, bad actors and killer robots from space.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: When London Sleeps It Came Alive (2010)
Image from: When London Sleeps It Came Alive (2010)
Image from: When London Sleeps It Came Alive (2010)
The film was made on a £25 budget and it was shot over 2 weekends as we only had 28 days to make the random title and theme into a movie in 28 days from script to shooting to editing and screening all in 28 days as part of the 28 day feature film challenge , it wasn't suppose to be good it was just made to be made as part of the challenge as did 9 other no budget movies in 28 days so there was 10 complete no budget feature films made in 28 days so that was the reason for this film , we didn't go out to make an award winning movie we went out just to make a movie and had fun making it so sorry you didn't like it but we liked making it so thanks anyway for your review i like people being honest and saying what they think if you want to watch a good film made in only 28 days watch (the winning film of 28 day feature film challenge (horror of the dolls)

Review by johnnie oddball from the Internet Movie Database.