USA 2013 93m      Directed by: K. King. Starring: Danny Trejo, Martin Copping, Clare Niederpruem, Jade Regier, Jason K. Wixom, Terry Guthrie, Jake Suazo, Jeff Kirkham, Michael Monasterio, Marianne Smith, Shona Kay, Jarrod Phillips, Ashley Halbash. Music by: Christian Davis.
A new street drug called NATAS unleashes a zombie apocalypse that spreads like wildfire and mutates its users into flesh eaters. With nothing left but a beat-up Camaro and trunk full of guns & booze, Hunter (Martin Copping) spends his day running down the flesh eaters for sport and redemption from his tortured past. After crashing into a small group of survivors, led by an ax-wielding priest named Jesús (Danny Trejo), Hunter is seduced into escorting the eclectic group (strippers, rednecks, and in innocent beauty) to a mythical place of refuge. Under constant assault from zombies and a chain-saw wielding psychotic clown, a surprise attack by a new breed of giant mutant flesh eaters forces them to abandon their quest, and put Hunter's skills to the test.
One of the biggest divides that seems to exist between concept and approach in filmmaking is that of the B-movie – a lark simply meant to amplify camp, kitsch and fun to delirious levels. But what seems to be more often the case is the arrival of flicks which approach the genre superficially, revelling in lazy dialogue, dull slaughter and gore and boring characters rather than applying a grindhouse feel to well though out material. While there are some attempts to spoof the well worn tropes of this type of endeavour, too often does Zombie Hunter cheat the audience, revel in its laziness and fail even to live up to the gimmicky promises plastered on the DVD case.
Let me get the bluffs out of the way first, because these are not so much spoilers as they are an accurate description of events. In quick succession: Danny Trejo appears in little more than a cameo, the souped up muscle car exits the picture early on and the "clown with a chainsaw" represents little more than a blip. And in case you have no idea what this movie is about and why the heck I would bring this up, yes those were major selling points present in the advertising. What remain are inane and groan-worthy dialogue and timing and delivery that rival pre- school plays and repetition at all levels.
I hate to be too harsh on Zombie Hunter because when it's all said and done it's a rather innocent endeavour, never vying for much, featuring thesps who in some cases are experiencing their debut roles and, despite its many pitfalls, is never insulting. It's all just rather wrongheaded and draining. The weird highlight for me was in lead Martin "Hunter" Copping who's growling, monotonous delivery seemed to craft a character that was just as nonchalant concerning the apocalypse then about the junk in which he was starring. Don't get me wrong, it's all very bad and very one note but his attitude made the viewing more tolerable.
The rest of the cast is made of folks – truly no offense as I'm sure I would join their ranks if I attempted to act – who have little hope of securing steady jobs in Hollywood. The dialogue may be horrid but they make no effort to bring it to life. Even a hammy, hackneyed script can be given a weird sense of charm with the right performer delivering the lines. It's immensely clear across all fronts they are waiting on prompts and very likely gazing at cue cards. Their infuriating actions and their interactions displayed amongst one another do very little to right any wrongs.
But as I iterated early on, there are clear – and surprisingly successful – attempts to spoof the style of film in which Zombie Hunter eventually revels. Hunter has some amusing early scenes with the undead as does the prologue (which explains the outbreak) have some charm in its own way. Coupled later on with zoom-in shots of a girl's butt, substituted for her, you know, face when running away from a threat, or a puke-off that spoofs the "grizzly discover" cliché, there are scenes that show promise. But collectively their relative occupation of the running time leaves much to be desired.
In the end, Zombie Hunter is only something that could be recommend with the disclaimer it be played in the background while you and your friends shoot the bleep and sip some beers. The thorough distain for creativity and decision to wallow in camp rather than embrace or satirize it means this B-movie simply doesn't even get a similar grade to rival its intended stamp.
Review by Simon_Says_Movies from the Internet Movie Database.