I love B movies and I love zombie films, I also love some art-house movies. So this should have been right up my street, but some how I just couldn't get into it.
The premise of a zombie trying to keep it's zombie baby alive in a post apocalyptic world sounded great and then Iheard that it was an almost silent movie, which I thought sounded very interesting.
The first stumbling block for me came when You meet the family of zombies at the start. One of them walks on all fours like a dog. It just seemed a bit silly. Later when The zombie meets up with the human woman who becomes an almost surrogate mother to his baby another silly thing happens. To sate the zombies craving for flesh the woman gives him a piece of chocolate. The movie is just full of these type of instances. I'm all for playing with the boundaries of zombie mythology but chocolate versus flesh, No. The acting is also quite weak. The human woman has one face she pulls constantly and by the end of the movie I was sick of seeing it. The zombie just grunts and groans which also started to get a bit ridiculous. The effects are what you'd expect from This grade of movie. Some dodgy CG birds and buildings on fire. The movies filmed in black and white sometimes with a blue hue sometimes a bit green. I think this worked in it's favour as it made it difficult to see how poor the make up was.
It's one of those movies that now I've seen it I don't need to see it again.
Review by Greenzombidog from the Internet Movie Database.