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Killer School Girls from Outer Space

Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  91m  •    •  Directed by: Alexander Shumake.  •  Starring: Donny Boaz, Derek Lee Nixon, Clem Beard, Julin, Tinghui Zhang, Kaci Flores, Ron Jeremy, Jordan Brower, Luke Ashlocke, Sonny Castillo, John Daws, Bobby DiPasquale, Jimmy Gonzales..
      When a shooting star lands in Small Town USA, a teenage couple decide to check it out. They discover their shooting star is a flying saucer piloted by Killer School Girls from outer space on a mission to destroy the earth!


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
Image from: Killer School Girls from Outer Space (2011)
I caught a viewing of Killer School Girls from Outer Space while in Austin for SXSW 2011. I knew nothing about the film and went to the showing only because I liked the title. The movie had a dedication at the beginning that was to Roger Corman that sort of set the tone for the movie. It was clearly shot to resemble old classic science fictionhorror. The opening scene even had film scratches to make it look vintage and retro. My thinking is that if you see this movie expecting it to be Iron Man you will be disappointed. If you go in expecting to see a vintage sci-fi movie that was shot in the nineteen-sixties, the movie lives up to expectations. In short, the movie was fun, which I imagine is what the makers intended it to be. It moved at a good clip and didn't drag, which is my usual beef with low budget indies. There were two things that were actually very good about the movie. The acting was good and on par with movies with a much larger budget. Secondly, the story was well written. No big surprises, but good clean writing that advanced the story. This is the kind of movie you want to see when you are just looking to have a good time. Glad I went.

Review by Jenny Anderson from the Internet Movie Database.