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Coming, The

Coming, The (2009) Movie Poster
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Canada  •    •  100m  •    •  Directed by: Chad Costen.  •  Starring: Daniel Leone, Kimara Brilling, Shafin Karim, Brian Davies, Sterling Stevens, Jagoda Janik, Samantha Reimer, John Burchat, Carly Sotas, Talon Murray, Betty Senger, Mark D. Claxton, Kyle Markewich.  •  Music by: Nhick Ramiro Pacis.
     Tom's protective older sister, Samantha, goes missing and the strange events surrounding her disappearance become a match that sets aflame a small town's racial mistrust and mass hysteria eleven years later.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
Image from: Coming, The (2009)
This is a mystery movie with a drama beginning, a family middle and a science fiction ending. It takes the loose ends of UFO news and alien stories and weaves them into an interesting, sometimes even exciting plot but, unfortunately, leans on some stereotypes that come with the different genres, too. Well, what else do we expect from this kind of movie, I said to myself having watched it.

If we take this thought as a question the answer is: We want to be entertained, okay, but we want to be taught a little lesson, too. The film provides us with some nice tries in this direction but these don't get beyond the early stages. The best attempt, in my opinion, is the one that tries to explain the strange things happening in the town and worldwide with mankind's fear of itself. This idea, expressed in the talk between Tom, the protagonist, and Ezzedine, the mysterious oriental character, reminded me of William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies" and Simon, its strange saint figure, who says: "Maybe it's only us". This could have been a worthwhile motif for "The Coming" if it had wanted to be more than enigmatic.

But all in all, this movie is entertaining in a thoughtful way. That's why I give it seven out of ten points.

Review by heinzrogel from the Internet Movie Database.