USA 2016 93m      Directed by: John Lyde. Starring: Melanie Stone, Adam Johnson, Jake Stormoen, Nicola Posener, Christopher Robin Miller, Paris Warner, James Gaisford, Ashley Santos, Jasen Wade, Kurt Knight, Kaza Marie Ayersman, Maloree Johnson, Benjamin Alexander. Music by: James Schafer.
When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.
Episode 4 sees Marek and chums in pursuit of something or other, probably another bit of the Darkspore, in a pickup truck dressed entirely in old floorboards, while pursued by some bloke with tomahawks, a flying machine also made entirely of old floorboards, and assorted thingies in black bin liners. Eventually they end up in a shalliow lake where an ancient Egyptian bodybuilder hangs out.
I now know what to expect. Production value in costume and locations, special effects ambitious but limited, acting adequate, fight choreography unconvincing, script OK, story a bit ho-hum. And there's usually a moment which makes you go "Oh, come on!" In this case, Marek is rolling around fumbling for her staff while the creepy bad thing which is trying to kill her..
Review by neil-476 from the Internet Movie Database.