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Foundling, A

Foundling, A (2010) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  90m  •    •  Directed by: Carly Lyn.  •  Starring: Cindy Chiu, Tim Chiou, Nora J. Novak, Shelby Bond, Peter David Parasiliti, Arita Trahan, Leroy Adams, Colin V. Barton, Jacques Freydont, Robert Greygrass, Russell Jones, Dan D.W. McCann, Tiger Moon.  •  Music by: Pierpaolo Tiano.
     Virginia - a young Chinese woman in the old west - rescues her long lost sister, Mattie, from a brothel in Arizona. On their journey home to San Bernardino, they discover the strange, steaming wreckage of an otherworldly craft. Inside the vehicle, Mattie finds a very mysterious baby.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Foundling, A (2010)
Image from: Foundling, A (2010)
Image from: Foundling, A (2010)
Image from: Foundling, A (2010)
I saw "A Foundling" at the Dances with Films film festival this year and it was by far my favorite of the festival and truly one of the most original independent films I've seen.

I must commend the nuanced performances by the two leading actresses. My favorite character was the older sister - a prostitute who is sassy and independent and doesn't take crap from anyone, but who has a deep sense of responsibility for the events that unfold and wants to do the right thing.

There are two scenes in the movie that are sure to bring you to tears if you have any sort of heart at all. I heard quite a few sniffles around me in the theater.

GORGEOUS photography and GORGEOUS soundtrack. The music and scenery in this film will just take your breath away.

There are some imperfections in the film - it doesn't have that gritty, real western feel that you get from more intense westerns like "Unforgiven". I would like to have loved "A Foundling" to have that harder edge, but it does have a lot of charm and heart which makes it one of the more satisfying independent science-fiction films I have seen thus far.

In summary: A nice emotional film with solid characters, a good pace to the story, and a lot of heart - could have been made even better with a little bit of gritty realism (but that's just my opinion).

Review by josie kongkong from the Internet Movie Database.


Off-Site Reviews:

Feb 29 2016, 15:42
Feb 29 2016, 15:41