USA 2009 89m Directed by: William Hellmuth. Starring: Jordan Warren, Eamon Glennon, Misty Madden, Tristan Scott, Kevin Harland, William Landsman, David Siik, Christy Giannestras, Kerri Hellmuth, Todd Tetreault, Joel Sappington, Bobo Chang, Missy Walker. Music by: Curtis Schweitzer, Jeffrey Swingle.
Thirteen college students have mysteriously survived a deadly plague that has fallen over Los Angeles. Banding together, they struggle to find out what has happened...and why.
Was this filmed on a 1995 flip phone? It's super grainy, terrible audio, and shaking the camera does not cover up bad acting. The special effects look like a power rangers episode.
Review by orionhi from the Internet Movie Database.