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Transfer (2010) Movie Poster
Germany  •    •  93m  •    •  Directed by: Damir Lukacevic.  •  Starring: B.J. Britt, Regine Nehy, Ingrid Andree, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Mehmet Kurtulus, Attila Borlan, Eric P. Caspar, Jeanette Hain, Yemyo Klame, Michael Klammer, Stefan Lisewski, Zana Marjanovic, Viktor Pavel.  •  Music by: Enis Rotthoff.
        In a futuristic society where the wealthy get to live forever by swapping bodies with refugees, an elderly couple explores this opportunity with harsh consequences.


Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Image from: Transfer (2010)
Saw this movie at the bifff (Brussels International Fantastic Film festival). This is truly an exceptional movie and a must see for anyone who likes sci-fi with brains. It is about an old couple that joins a program to transfer their brain to the young body of some third world people. It is about racism, how money makes the world turn and imagines a modern version of slavery. You get to see everyone's point of view: the rich German couple, the people that are around them, as well as the view from the people selling their body for money for their family The actors do a very good job in their dual role (before and after the transfer)

I really loved the soundtrack, hope that it will be on sale someday.

Review by Koen from the Internet Movie Database.


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