USA 2009 86m      Directed by: Adrian DeLude, Eric Nichols. Starring: Robert Picardo, Matt Corrigan, Richard Gross, Kara Hamilton, Corrie Henninger, Jonathan Leveck, Derek Lux, Maya Mahrer, Will Marchetti, Chrissy Mazzeo, Danton Mew, Peter Quartaroli, Owen Thomas..
An alien space craft crashes in the deep woods in 1809 and lies undisturbed for two hundred years until a woman takes her surgeon boyfriend to visit her aunt and uncle on their isolated farm, the very day her uncle unearths it. This immediately triggers an EMP burst and a response from Dreamland, men in black types, who converge on the farm to recover the UFO.
THE AWAKENED is a REALLY cheap science fiction drama shot on an indie budget. The story is about a crashed flying saucer which is discovered deep in the woods and the problems it brings to those who find it. If I'm honest, the camera work and the budget are okay by genre standards, but the story feels dragged out and really misses the mark. Robert Picardo is first billed but has one of those cameo roles separate from the rest of the action, sitting in a chair with his phone clamped to his ear.
Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.