Mexico 2009 100m ![](../../../../Images/Ratings/Empty_SmallBrown.gif) ![](../../../../Images/Ratings/Empty_SmallBrown.gif) ![](../../../../Images/Ratings/Empty_SmallBrown.gif) ![](../../../../Images/Ratings/Half_SmallBrown.gif) ![](../../../../Images/Ratings/Full_SmallBrown.gif) Directed by: Francisco Laresgoiti. Starring: Raúl Méndez, Claudio Lafarga, Sandra Echeverría, Marco Treviño, Luis Ernesto Franco, José Carlos Rodríguez, Ariane Pellicer, Alonso Echánove, Miguel Couturier, Juan Carlos Olivas, Juan Carlos Martín del Campo, Rolf Petersen, Benny Emmanuel Mendoza. Music by: Tomás Barreiro, Daniel Hidalgo.
In the year 2033, Mexico has become a fascist state. As the upper classes partake in debauched parties and amuse themselves by using the poor for target practice, a highly addictive drink called Pactia keeps the working class under control. Meanwhile, the religious minority forms a resistance movement, and finds an unlikely ally in the guise of privileged military brat Pablo. Despite his sheltered upbringing, Pablo knows the difference between good and evil. And once a line is drawn in the sand, he is compelled to turn against everything he's ever known in the fight for the future of humanity.
Seems like the overwhelming tide of reviews I'd read were mixed or negative, minus one external review from a sci-fi website that praised it. Also the film won a best film award at the Cancun Film Festival, so my hopes were a little raised that at least it would be halfway decent. I also tend to take the bulk of Mexican public reviews with a grain of salt, as they're often a bit reactionary to films that throw social criticism towards modern Mexican society (case in point: the harsh reviews of Gael Garcia Bernal's directorial debut, Déficit).
I'll touch on the good points first: SFX were pretty well done. The futuriststeampunk redesign of Mexico City was OK, maybe a bit too over- the-top given the film only takes place 23 years into the future, maybe rips-off on much of "alternatefuture Earth" sci-fi but still, it was a high point of 2033. The basic premise of the film also I though was great...which I won't elaborate on to avoid giving away spoilers.
However, how the details of story actually play out, leaves a lot to be desired. The vision of future is so narrowly focused on Mexico, so narrowly plotted around one social issue that certainly will turn off a lot of folks, very simplistic. The characters likewise are one-dimensional. The acting and directing really most fitting for a telenovelasoap opera and commercials...cuts were very obvious to take out the worst moments but the final product is mediocre.
The film proves that once again, you can glitz up a film and try to market it as cutting edge, you can have a great idea for plotting, but in the end if your story is weak, poormediocre acting, amateur direction....well, it really falls flat in the end. Some of the best Mexican movies I've seen so far have been more bare-boned which maybe leads for more innovation on the directing floor, asking more of everyone for a better, more interesting film.
Review by elchileverde from the Internet Movie Database.