USA 2009 93m Directed by: Andrew Allan. Starring: Stephen Biro, Kevin Anthony Brooks, Cyndi Crotts, Rob Elfstrom, Michael Kenneth Fahr, Mark Fisher, Rod Grant, Krista Grotte, Christopher Jackson, Nicole Jackson, Jillian Kinsman, Nimai Manrique, Clay Maples. Music by: Enotide, Eddie Sturgeon.
A boy suffering from debilitating migraines uses trepanation to cure his condition and realize his mind's full potential, and discovers the dark side of the ancient surgical practice. By drilling a hole into his skull, Tristan will not only realize the true potential of his mind, but also gain access to a clandestine home for runaways known as the Garden. But just when it begins to look like Tristan is on the path to enlightenment, he's plunged into a terrifying world of eternal darkness.
Sorry to say, could not rate this one over 2, no way, whatsoever! The name, the plot, they are actually saying they can control people just by drilling a whole in their brain. It looks like a second-hand kind of work, the filming, characters, dialogue, not to mention the "special" effects. The story itself, could have been written by anyone between 12-15 years old that have seen some "horrors" and wanted to make something of their own!
OK, let's get real: it is absolutely something you need to avoid, because it is a huge waste of time. Maybe, just maybe, if you are with some friends, and you are looking for some innocent fun, this could fall in the "so bad it's good" category, but the camera work is enough to scare pretty much anyone, I'd say. The first 10 minutes are absolutely dreadful, after that things start to get on a better track for a little while, but still, it just oscillates from 2 to maximum a 4. You could also form an opinion, and believe it or not, an accurate one, just be watching the trailer. Yes, spooky, I know!
Therefore, Brainjacked is what might happen to you if you give it a try, because for 90 minutes, your mind will be stolen by this one, trying to comprehend how could this pass the script form.
Review by Flow from the Internet Movie Database.