USA 2017 82m      Directed by: Milko Davis Main Director, Thomas Martwick. Starring: Matt Block, Wes Clark, Julie Crisante, Cooper Elliott, Nikki Ernst, Nicole Goeke, Juan Gonzalez, Jason Hagan, Andy Haman, Ben Johnson, Mia Klosterman, Shale Le Page, Kasey Mauro. Music by: Alvaro Morello.
A cracked scientist aligns with the Axis of Evil to bring down the US of A with EMP blasts, toxic zombification gas and an unleashing of the ultimate undead killing monstrosity -- the Z-REX. When a hot-wired militia squad and a crew of college hipsters are thrown together to do something about it, chaotic Predator-Thunder action runs amok.
"The Jurassic Dead" story is uber-contrived, forcing a total submition of the audience to fancy and absurdities. It is a premise that is insanely over the top with everything thrown in but the kitchen sink. The concepts are, individually, cool - although not so original- however they are a bit much when thrown together.
The cast offer a mix bag of two diminsional caricatures, with a couple notable exceptions. Very little comes off as convincing with delivery. Most of the drama is melodramatic in the least flattering way- again with a few notable exceptions.
As for the special effects, personally I found just as much that worked for "The Jurassic Dead" as I found wrong. First, kudos to FX department for doing practical creature efeects. It was a nice design, it worked on camera with one obvious exception, the T-Rex was too small. The CGI was at times, spot-on, some scenes came off a bit 1990, but all in all, Syfy and The Asylum worthy material.
Overall, "The Jurassic Dead" is a great film, the acting and premise is slightly rough to sit through, but there are a few cool, entertaining moments. The big winner for this one is the musical score, and sound track. Awesome work. If you are a fan of these types of microbudget creature features then it will be a decent watch, if not just go into "The Jurassic Dead" for warned.
Review by ASouthernHorrorFan from the Internet Movie Database.