UK 2013 116m      Directed by: Andrew Gilbert. Starring: Luke Hobson, Nicky Paul Barton, Roger Fowler, Samuel Hogarth, David Wayman, James Harrison, Simon Mathews, Elizabeth Quinn, Abby Simpson, Simon Nader, James Callàs Ball, Stuart J. Prowse, Rudy Barrow. Music by: Stephen Currell.
It's the weekend, and the lads are off on the town! What could possibly go wrong? How about the end of the world as we know it. 'Something' has happened, the undead are out in force, roaming the streets and devouring all who get in their way. Several groups of unlikely people find themselves trapped together in an emergency rescue centre, but no rescue is coming! So as the country goes to hell overnight, and the reality sinks in, how and what will these people do to survive.
A previous reviewer mentioned about the quality of the movie, how mundane it was with dialogue was delivered with no conviction like he expected this to be a huge blockbuster Hollywood movie. Then went on to say that running zombies aspect is wasted on him, well it certainly was. Long gone are the slow creeping along zombie with arms out stretched saying "brains", those zombies were fine in their day but the new style of fast runners like in the 28 DaysWeeks movies are certainly welcome in my mind. When someone is freshly infected why not be as active as they were when they was not infected, it all depends on the damage they received surely? As for being boring this move was far from boring with plenty of action, fast infected people, shooting, blood, decent effects, acting is OK (one or 2 people were not that good) with most of the actors not been in much else they were better than expected. The story kept moving along with characters developing, new characters being introduced, events going on inside their temporary residence as well as outside. You can't compare this with Night of the Living Dead, it reminds me more of the 28 DaysWeeks series but with probably a 10th of the budget but was far from being 1 10th entertaining, in fact this could have been a spin off from that series.
You can see the list of zombie movies I have seen and I can tell you there is a lot of movies with higher budget than this and have been complete trash, this is one of the best I have seen for a while. I think a lot of people won't get it, because its more gritty and realistic (As far as infected stories go) and not the Hollywood perfect crisp witty dialogue, with S L Jackson strutting around being a mo-fo popping caps in people butts or Mr Willis trying to be funny every other line and being the big hero. Its not that type of movie.
Someone said the Zombies should look deceased, i guess where they live as soon as someone dies they are immediately grey with bits dropping off lol. Being supposedly set in London there are plenty of people to keep a fresh supply of infected around. Not quite sure why there is so much hatred towards this movie in the message boards either, I know someone involved with the movie commented how good it was which was to be expected and everyone seemed to pounce on them and unfairly totally slag the movie off like it was the worst movie ever made. Just check out Killing Spree or Bloodlust Zombies if you want to see a truly dreadful Zombie movies.
This was close to 2 hours but felt half that length and kept me fully entertained and inspired me to write this to put my point of view across as I felt the other comments seemed more like comments from another movie. The one thing I was little disappointed with was the end but then again I guess it leave it open for a sequel...I hope :) By the way, I have nothing to do with this movie, I was not involved in making it, I am just a lover of Zombie movies and this one is one of the best in its genre. The DVD is very welcome on the shelf next to the 28 DaysWeeks, World War Z, NightDawnDayReturnLandSurvivalDiary ETC, ETC of the Living Dead, The Battery, Dead Snow, Outpost series, (REC)Quarantine series, Dead Air, The Dead and many more including the Walking Dead TV series.
It may not be the very best but its certainly way, way above the worst and definitely worth checking out.
Review by Brooke G from the Internet Movie Database.