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Apocalypse, The

Apocalypse, The (2007) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  94m  •    •  Directed by: Justin Jones.  •  Starring: Rhett Giles, Jill Stapley, Kristen Quintrall, Tom Nagel, David Shick, Amol Shah, Shaley Scott, Kelsey Higgs, Kim Little, Carissa Bodner, Dean N. Arevalo, Sarah Lieving, Erica Kessler.  •  Music by: Chris Ridenhour.
        In this epic disaster film of faith, a mother and father search for their only child as a giant asteroid headed for Earth triggers a series of apocalyptic events.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Apocalypse, The (2007)
Image from: Apocalypse, The (2007)
Image from: Apocalypse, The (2007)
Image from: Apocalypse, The (2007)
Image from: Apocalypse, The (2007)
Image from: Apocalypse, The (2007)
The Apocalypse is a film made by Christian film company Faith Films (no profit to be gained in this field). My dad selected this film along with a few others for our Father-Son Christmas Movie Marathon. Although my dad exceeds me in many fields (particularly in those involving science and mathematics), I pride myself in the ability to pick a good movie. This movie, my friend, would not be my top choice.

I like to review my movie using a criteria that I have set up, here it goes: STORY: A meteor the size of Texas is about to hit Earth. Sound familiar? (the answer would be Armageddon). SOUND: The background noise provides a fog over the dialog delivered by the less-than-talented cast. CAST: Like I said before, less-than-talented. DIRECTOR: Let me put it this way just to be fair, he's no Steven Spielberg. PRODUCTION VALUES: Low budget, at best. 4 types of scenery: house, car, church (no surprise), and a park. Special effects involve flaming tennis balls being shot at a bunch of campers in the beginning of the movie.

The only way my dad and I found this movie slightly tolerable was through the magic of the fast-forward button found on our DVD player remote. If you are a Christian person who desires a Christian movie, please look elsewhere. This movie has no Christian in it at all (except for a miserably 10 minute long church scene). I live in a Mormon neighborhood, and I doubt that they watch this movie on Sunday morning sermons (at least I think Mormonism is a part of Christianity, I'm not a Christian). Dearest reader, I am now at my knees begging you to avoid this movie at all costs...PLEASE!

Review by Anarchy7451 from the Internet Movie Database.