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Elk Hotel, The

Elk Hotel, The (2006) Movie Poster
USA  •    •    •  Directed by: Daniel Paul Bates, Skye Thorstenson.  •  Starring: Laurie Bushman, Edisol W. Dotson, Michael Ehrenberg, Andy Gates, Dan Higgins, John Hull, Diane Jourdan, Veronica Klaus, Mara Luthane, Sharon Mahoney, William Martin, Brandon W. Nash, Nancy Dobbs Owen..
    Passion, Drugs, Depression, Identity Fraud, Government conspiracies, Native American myths, a typical night at the Elk Hotel.


Image from: Elk Hotel, The (2006)
Image from: Elk Hotel, The (2006)
Image from: Elk Hotel, The (2006)
Image from: Elk Hotel, The (2006)
Drugs. Drug fueled Sex. Psychic Betty. Homosexual extraterrestrials. A drippy phallic bio-weapon. Aunt Patty's cookies. I remember, but the context is a blur. As the bizarre stories of the residents at the Elk Hotel unfold, the big mystery only deepens. Why is it always night-time? What's the matter with Junie? What is the gaylien agenda? These and many other queries arise but to little resolve, and the viewer becomes doomed to forever walk the halls of the Elk Hotel in search of the answers.

A camcorder anomaly of the ultra-weird, this one is as atmospheric as it is amateurish...imagine David Lynch jiggling his pocket change and magically creating a very dark soap opera.'s kinda like that.

More weird than good, but worth a look if your personal cinematic palate is craving a relish of an entirely unnatural flavor. I rather enjoyed its perverse charisma and peculiar metaphysical dreariness.

Review by EyeAskance from the Internet Movie Database.