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Sex (2003) Movie Poster
Spain  •    •  82m  •    •  Directed by: Antonio Dyaz.  •  Starring: Enrique Alcides, Leyre Berrocal, Coque Malla, Nancho Novo, Mercedes Ortega, Pepa Slas, Silke, Julián Hernández, Roberto Torres, Momoyo Miya, Thaddeus Hawks..
     In a not very distant future, a group of people connected with pornography meet together to have supper inside an enormous nuclear bunker while outside the Earth has been swept by radiation and is dying. They only talk about sex and secret perversions, but death is too interested in them to let them escape.


Image from: Sex (2003)
Image from: Sex (2003)
Image from: Sex (2003)
Image from: Sex (2003)
This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. It makes the Howling 7 seem like The Godfather. It is a very pretentious movie that does not fascinate one second. Its a dark (as in no light) movie which makes it hard to see what happens. Not that you miss a lot since the whole movie is people sitting around a table talking about sex. The special effects are painfully bad, to the point that the 86 minutes that this movie lasts seems to last a lifetime. I have this weird thing were I have to finish every movie I start, but it took me a lot of determination to finish this. It is basically a few people sitting around a table and discussing perversions of sex. The time is supposed to be after a nuclear war and they are in a bunker. What we see is a woman who was a man sleep with a guy that turns out to be her father, a perverse long haired guy getting urinated on by a woman and a guy selling his girlfriend for drugs inside the bunker. This movie will make you angry..angry that you wasted 86 minutes that you will never win back on it. Avoid this movie at all costs.

Review by Miguel van der Wijst from the Internet Movie Database.