USA 1999 92m      Directed by: Kirk Bowman. Starring: Gladys Hans, Michelle Eib, Kari Schechere, Geoff Winnie, Sandra Carole, Lynne Drabkowski, Albert Pennywhistle, Debbie Hartswick, Rick Miller, Gayle Sievers, AnnMari Weier, Jessamyn Dodd, Amy Kading. Music by: Kelli Clayton, Liquid Planet, Robert O'Hearn, Piss Ant.
Set in present day Los Angeles, Revenge of Mr. Willie utilizes the same conventions of B-grade "back-from-the-dead" horror films, scantily clad women and cheesy special effects, while adding a new twist. The characters aren't being stalked by a zombie or evil poltergeist, it's something much more terrible, a severed three inch penis that can fly!
A curvaceous hottie inadvertently emasculates the body of her scummy two-timing man, and his "naughty bit" takes on an evil life of its own from exposure to a mysterious, life-rejuvenating goop. The predatory killer member slides around, flies through the air, and even takes a ride on a toy truck. Sounds like fun? Well, I suppose it is, albeit in a moronic and shameful way...the great irony here is that this is definitely NOT one for the kiddies, though in truth, they would be the ones most likely to derive the greatest enjoyment from it.
Basically a ribald send-up of old camp horror flicks, an idea which was done with much greater success in the giant tit segment of "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex...". Still, a guilty pleasure, like a back-alley threeway on Christmas morning...who out there really doesn't want to see a film about a killer one-eyed zipper dragon? .
Review by EyeAskance from the Internet Movie Database.