UK 2015 102m Directed by: Ryan Firth, Velton Lishke, Aidan Rawnsley. Starring: Steven Anthony, Lewis Atkinson, Richard Blackburn, Michael Bostock, Luke Broadley, Robert Brunton, Dominic Burns, Jason Bytheway, Mick Cann, Mike Carr, Richard Carter, Aaron Childs, Samantha Daniels. Music by: Andriy Demtschuk, Triune Scores.
George, a young loner, is out for revenge. He must survive in a harsh post-apocalyptic world filled with dangerous bandits, savage cannibals and flesh eating mutants, along the way he'll make new friends and greater enemies.
A Yorkshire set, low budget rip off of Tarantino and Fallout (the video game) like most low budget movies it would have been better as a decent short with a lot of the surplus padding removed.
Review by nickboldrini from the Internet Movie Database.