By reading most of the reviews for this movie posted here, i´m starting to think that i must have seen a diferent movie for sure! I can´t believe the bad things people say about it. How can this be?!!
The reviews under this movie seem totaly surreal!!! What movie have these persons seen?!! Or better, what movie were this persons expecting STRANDED to be? Another Hollywood special effects crap for teenage-braindeads?!! Well, i´m sorry people, this is not that kind of "movie", STRANDED is definetely not RED PLANET and thank God it doesn´t even try to be Matrix!
Lets get one thing straight here, STRANDED is one of the best modern sci-fi movies that anybody interested in serious science-fiction could watch nowadays. And if you like Mars, believe-me this is the movie for you.
STRANDED is one of the rare movies that truly can be called science-fiction. At a time where almost everything that comes out into the mainstream is just a bunch of crappy MTV movies design to please moronic teenage audiences, i´m glad that someone somewhere in the world is still producing science-fiction movies based on intriguing ideas and not on dollar bills! Movies that make us dream by stimulating our imagination, movies that still allow space for the audiences to imagine things instead of showing us video-game designs, pyrotechnics and explaining the plot in detail at the end. It´s fantastic to still find a movie that right up until the last moment makes us wich we could see more of it. STRANDED is that kind of movie. A movie for people with imagination, who preffer good ideas to video-game designs. Who preffer a good unsolved mistery that captures the imagination instead of long special effects battles and asteroide chases. A movie for people who love to read a good sci-fi novel instead of watching re-runs of SW-Episode II like crap all the time untill they have no more brain left and the only thing they want in life is to go out and buy the merchandise.
STRANDED is a movie for anyone who ever dreamed of walking on Mars. Forget RED PLANET, that is almost not even worth mentioning. STRANDED is the next best thing to be walking on Martian land and exploring the unknown. And forget MISSION TO MARS, because STRANDED is the Archeological sci-fi story you were expecting when you went to see that. STRANDED manages to produce that feeling of wonder, regarding archeological Martian misteries without looking like a Walt Disney movie for all the family and filled up with american family values throwned at your face every frame of the movie.
STRANDED is a brilliant little spanish movie, which proves that you don´t need to have millions of dollars to make audiences dream and you sure don´t even need flashy special effects to do it. Just a couple of brilliantly designed sets (which look totaly real) and a good simple premise. You don´t even need a story. Not in that Hollywood sense of what a movie story should be.
In STRANDED you won´t find, good guys, bad guys, treasons, fist fights, laser guns, acid for blood Aliens, love stories, car chases, sex, light sabres and Matrix style Mtv special effects. And Obi-Wan is not in this movie. In STRANDED you will find, human charaters who act like real persons and not like Hollywood depictions of real people, you will find totaly realistic Martian atmosphere, you will find a great exploration feeling, and some intriguing ideas that will make you dream. And if you´re up to date regarding the archeological controversy about the hypotetical Martian ruins, you will absolutely love STRANDED because i´m sure you will recognize some things that are used as a basis for the story. If you don´t have a clue about the subject, then go back to your multiplex and eat your popcorns before even saying that the ending of this movie is unrealistic. One thing is for sure, i can bet that Arthur Clarke himself if he saw this movie he loves it to death. If you know what i´m talking about, you´ll get much more out of this movie than the uninformed audiences. If you don´t know anything about the subject, keep an open mind and enjoy the wonder. Just don´t expect an action movie. The suspense in STRANDED is not in the action, but on the ideas and sense of wonder that it conveys right up until the end. If you think a movie based on ideas and characters, which has no Hollywood action is a boring and pointless movie, don´t bother, it´s not for you.
STRANDED is for everybody who preffers a good story instead.
And to those people who might think this is a boring movie because of the bad reviews in here, believe me, those people couldn´t be more wrong. In fact, it´s obvious that they´re more angry at the movie simply because they don´t understand it. If they did they wouldn´t be calling it boring and pointless. It´s not, it´s full of imagination and sense of wonder. And that is what science fiction should be about. Not about product placement, cgi efects and mtv style.
Good direction, excelent design, and an excelent story with a great ending which leaves us wanting to se more. What more can you want from a sci-fi movie? Ok, it has its weaknesses. The actors very between the excelent and the terrible. But all go through that so i guess it´s not their fault. Maybe the movie lacks a better actors direction. And don´t forget this is not an american movie, these are not american actors (except Gallo) so its obvious the movie would sound weird to the american ears. So what?!
Give this movie a chance people. Its a brilliant movie, not in an artistic way (its not even Art House), but in a global sense of the finished product. Its one of the best sci-fi movies in recent years, and mark my words, one day this will be a very, very well known movie and one that everyone will want to check out for it´s accuracy in the story of human History. Laugh at will.
The best Mars movie ever, and everything Red Planet and Mission to Mars should have been and failled miserabily. STRANDED has everything in its right place. This is what sci-fi movies should be all about. I have bought this three days ago and i´ve already seen it 3 times. I have no problem at all in rating it 10 out of 10.
Don´t believe any of the bad reviews in here. These people obviously were expecting more of the usual Hollywood crap and wanted to see some aliens and laser battles. They didn´t got them and got angry at the movie. To me, anyone who claims to like science-fiction and doesn´t like this movie then the definition of sci-fi for that person must be anything Lucas related. I can bet that the same people who attacked STRANDED are the same type of audiences who think 2001 and Blade Runner are boring movies because they don´t have a plot.
If you live in R2 regions, buy the spanish edition of the DVD because its very good and contrary to the bad R1 edition, the european one is 16:9 anamorphic and not full frame.
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Review by Luis Filipe dos Reis Peres from the Internet Movie Database.