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Superzan y el Niño del Espacio

Superzan y el Niño del Espacio (1973) Movie Poster
Mexico  •    •  130m  •    •  Directed by: Rafael Lanuza.  •  Starring: Superzan, Caro Laniesti, Claudio Lanuza, Freddy Pecherelly, Antonio Almorza, Enrique Bremermann, Rolando Clausmann, Edgar Echevarria, Augusto Monterroso..
      A space boy comes to earth and is captured by an evil scientist. Can Superzan save the day?


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Superzan y el Niño del Espacio (1973)
Image from: Superzan y el Niño del Espacio (1973)
Image from: Superzan y el Niño del Espacio (1973)
A stinker no way around it. A space boy comes to earth in a ship bigger on the inside than the outside and is waylaid by an evil scientist looking to use his knowledge for evil.Can Superzan save the day? Does anyone care? Probably not.

Laughably bad masked hero film has lots of capes, home movie level props and an intelligence level that is beyond low. I watched this horrified that anyone would have put this into theaters and expected people to pay for it. I mean the ray gun used by some of the bad guys is clearly a child's toy.

It's awful, I mean really bad.

Yes it's unintentionally funny, but there aren't enough laughs to justify what will amount to 80 minutes of your life wasted.

Review by dbborroughs from the Internet Movie Database.