USA 2001 90m      Directed by: Art Camacho. Starring: Costas Mandylor, Sasha Mitchell, Kathleen Kinmont, Vincent Klyn, Tim Thomerson, Ice-T, Coolio, Teri Austin, Joanna Bacalso, Jennifer Gareis, Kristanna Loken, David DeFalco, Michael Feichtner. Music by: Thomas Morse.
In the year 2010, civilization has been crushed by global thermonuclear war, and as anarchy spreads, two remaining police officers attempt to keep order. A group of thugs and criminals calling themselves the Ganglanders have taken control of the city, with psychotic Lucifer as their leader. A deadly flesh-eating disease is sweeping the city, and scientist Dr. Adams may have discovered a cure; when word gets out about the doctor's research, Lucifer and his henchmen kidnap Adams, realizing the cure could be a powerful bargaining chip in crushing any final opposition to their plans.
I don't understand how someone can consciencely recommend this movie. It is one of the worst films that I have seen in years. I go into every movie openminded, but after just 5 minutes I knew was what to come.
The storyline of this movie is simple (if not overdone). Nuclear war, chaos, weak falling gov't. Moving gangs go around as a corrupt and makeshift "law" force tries to stop them. While this is going on there is an ebola outbreak ravaging cities and a psychotic leader trying to control the cure.
Now from that summary this movie may sound interesting. It goes WAY downhill. My first quirk is with the actingstory. This is low budget movie, ok, but this is disgusting. No one in the movie has heard of the concept of taking cover. That means when your being shot at you move to a position to hide from bullets. You don't stand in the open and fire like Rambo. Trust me, it looks ridiculous and it goes on throughout the whole film. Then there is the fact that the protagonists only fight with pistols and proceed to kickbox. Yes, what a sound technique. 3 strangers team up and randomly mow down people and kick box them. Did I mention that all 3 of them lost a loved one. Well that surely calls for vengeance. The acting is horrible. My god, cover your ears and eyes horrible. I swear to god that half the gangmembers sound like pirates. YARR YARR YARR HAHAH YARR. Then there is their leader who somehow has a bioresearch labratory (in some fictional lair in the US) and he has also bioengineered a super soldier. This is good, he is a deluded king that must think he is royalty. He has a sword and nights people, he wanders about his palace giving orders and not really doing much when they aren't accomplished.
I'm going to stop here, because there are so many things to criticize that I can't even organize it all properly. I suggest you steer clear of this movie. I like the genre but this is a stinker if I've ever seen one. I suggest "28 Days Later", "Dawn of the Dead", or anything else if you want a good post-apocalpytic flic. I highly highly recommend 28 days later. The film is excellent and was filmed on a small budget. Makes you think what could have been done with the money wasted on gangland.
Review by bluelaser-1 from the Internet Movie Database.