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Remnant, The

Remnant, The (2001) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  106m  •    •  Directed by: Rick Jordan.  •  Starring: Rick Jordan, Jeff Marlow, Teresa Castracane, Roxzane T. Mims, Joe Estevez, Milton Bernard Brown, Sy Gaskill, Bill Silvers, Lora Earnhardt, Lavon Lacey, Doug Brandl, Pat Cusick, Mike Swink.  •  Music by: Anthony Riparetti.
     Murder holds a small Georgia town in the grip of fear during the first summer of the new millennium, and when all the evidence in the investigation points to a long dead criminal as the culprit, an up and coming attorney is forced to do battle with her own long-buried past in director's Rick Jordan's dark thriller. Though initial inspection by police investigators Kevin Dougherty and Sam Maddox reveals no common factor between the two initial murders, further inspection reveals that they are strangely connected to the legacy of local troublemaker Jesse Lownds; a revelation that may not have been surprising save for the fact that Lownds has been dead and buried for thirty-years. When attorney Alison Davis learns that one of the victims was her business partner and her own connections with Lownds run deeper than she previously thought, the frightened lawyer must team up with the dumbfounded detectives to reveal just how a long-dead killer can claim two victims nearly three decades after being laid to rest.


Part comedy, part horror, was an interesting movie to watch. Cinematography looked low budget in spots, but plot was original and screenplay interesting and well executed by the actors.

We did have to laugh that it looked like a young John Mellancamp, complete with leather jacket, being the zombie bad guy. Part horror, part adventure and part horror. People were everyday looking, with the execption of the "zombie" and therefore much more believable than your typical Hollywood actor that you note is "Ms. Thang playing a part" get drawn into the plot and the story instead of wondering who the actors are and what the tabloids say about them.

Film-making at its best is with a low budget, good script, good direction, original plot and good actors. This movie delivers all of these.

Review by K Sprowl from the Internet Movie Database.