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Kunoichi Senshi Ninja

Kunoichi Senshi Ninja (1991) Movie Poster
Japan  •    •  80m  •    •  Directed by: Masahiro Kasai.  •  Starring: Minako Fujimoto..
Three cute, sexy ninjas have been in training, building their powers for some vague future threat. Their destined mission becomes clear when a handsome ninja from 400 years past drops from the sky into the hot tub of on of the girls. He comes with news of a grave threat: an evil industrialist has apparently joined forces with UFOs to take over Japan. The only solution, it seems, lies in the special talents of the three girls - notable as much for their martial arts as their skimpy costumes.


This clever feature, filmed on video, is nothing if not willing to push the limits with its own strange and boisterous humor. It's hard to think of many films right off that are quite like it.

Three cute, sexy ninjas, around the age of 20, have been in training, building their powers for some vague future threat. Their destined mission becomes apparent when a handsome ninja from 400 years past drops from the sky into the hot tub of on of the girls. He comes with news of a grave threat: an evil industrialist has apparently joined forces with UFOs to take over Japan. The only solution, it seems, lies in the special talents of the three girls - notable as much for their martial arts as their skimpy costumes. The film shows a deep affection a trashcult cinema, though it's easy to imagine how fans of more traditional fare may be a tad confused.

One of the amusing moments comes when the girls venture unto downtown Tokyo to distribute flyers on the threat. The nervous, well-dressed salarymen don't quite know what to do.

This is kind of post-modern satire that takes nothing seriously except its desire to have fun with its own genre. Sexy, funny, sweet, and smart, this feature aims to be an adventure film and a parody. Anyone familiar with Japanese film sub-genres will have a smile on their face. It's hard not to fall in love with every part of this wild, unhinged feature. This type of feature has rarely been done as well.

Subtitled prints are available for those willing to search.

Review by poikkeus from the Internet Movie Database.