USA 1963 75m      Directed by: William Rose, Arnold Drake. Starring: Charlie Robinson, Irving Selig, Al Monaco, Dino Tarronova, Toni Monaco, Carl Shelton, Bebe Lent, Morton Taylor, Mila Milo, Sherry Parker, Eddie Carmel, Gigi Darlene, Paul Lavert. Music by: Martin Roman.
Loser Charlie Wishnick, locked out of his trailer home by his awful wife, ends up in a time machine that's disguised as a taxicab. He is transported to 50,000 B.C. where he meets cavemen and cavewomen, many of which are often nude. He falls in love and is almost eaten by a giant.
Browbeaten sad sack loser Charlie Wishnick (droopy-faced Charlie Robinson, who mugs it up for all it's worth) falls asleep in a tax cab time machine that transports Charlie back to prehistoric times where he stumbles across nude cave girls and falls for the vivacious Zelda (a charming portrayal by yummy blonde 60's softcore cinema regular Gigi Darlene).
Writerdirector Arnold Drake maintains a likeable lighthearted tone throughout, relates the enjoyably inane story at a zippy pace, and gets a reasonable amount of laughs from the amusing sense of blithely silly humor. Moreover, there's also a pleasing plethora of hot naked cave women who include the luscious Audrey Campbell of Olga fame. The enormous Eddie Carmel pops up as fearsome giant Gorax. This whole movie plays like an extended vaudeville sketch complete with dopey sight gags, goofy caricatured characters (Charlie's overbearing shrew of a wife in particular is drawn in super broad strokes), and dialogue loaded with groan-inducing bad puns.
Review by Woodyanders from the Internet Movie Database.