Japan 1993 Directed by: Tetsuo Imazawa. Starring: Takeshi Aono, Nobutoshi Canna, Shigeru Chiba, Hiroko Emori, Yukitoshi Hori, Masatô Ibu, Tarô Ishida, Hirohiko Kakegawa, Akira Kamiya, Iemasa Kayumi, Nobuhiko Kazama, Kazuhiko Kishino, Michitaka Kobayashi. Music by: Nick Wood.
Obata Yousuke lives on Pagopago in the Fiji archipelago with his father Tetsuo, a specialist in oceanographic biology. After a storm strikes the island, Yousuke rides to the lagoon with his Jet Ski and finds a strange baby dinosaur there. He takes it to his father's laboratory and names it Coo. Coo grows and seems to be a large marine reptile (a baby plesiosaur) which lived there some 65 million years ago. But Coo soon becomes an object of interest for the French secret service, assigned to protect the nuclear interests of France in that otherwise peaceful part of the world.
"Coo of the Far Seas" may be somewhat unknown and low profile, but is nonetheless a nice, fun movie that packs action and a environmentalist message.
The movie starts as Obata finds a strange creature, which he names Coo. At first, the movie starts at a moderate pace, as the relation between Obata and Coo develops. Soon, however, other parties interested in the creature will begin to cause trouble and what started really nice and peaceful becomes a battle for the creature's safety and some other major issues. It's a really fun movie, and the action seems like an analogy to today's conflict: humans fighting for nature against others who show no respect towards nature and won't care to cause damage to fulfill their goals. The movie's antagonist are such people- they are really, really hateful as they represent the humans' worst traits.
While the movie isn't really something new and it has some typical clichés here and there, it's a really good film. It's story and some elements are somewhat childish (for example, as the relation between Coo and Obata develops, I couldn't avoid noticing similarities with some other Japanese animations, such as Pokemon, where such human-creature relations are present) but that's not a bad thing- just some people may not dig it as children do. But still, this movie was far above my expectations (there really weren't much, as there's no much info about it).
Review by Pablo from the Internet Movie Database.