USA 1999 97m      Directed by: Phillip J. Roth. Starring: Olivier Gruner, Brad Dourif, Ernie Hudson, William Zabka, Glenn Plummer, Angel Boris Reed, Mark Adair-Rios, Stefan Lysenko, Perry D'Marco, Holly Fields, Ruben Moreno, Marcus Aurelius, Joseph Patrick Kelly..
In the near future, the government has created an elite team of soldiers specially trained in the event of a hostile alien encounter. A multi-national force of the world's best, they are known as the Interceptor Force. A covert early warning satellite network tracks an object crash landing in a town in the Pacific Northwest. Within minutes of the impact, all communication with the town is mysteriously severed. The news sources are given a false story of contamination and the area is sealed off. AWAC's and fighters patrol the perimeter. As the silence from the town continues, the Interceptor team lead by Lieutenant Sean Lambers is sent in to investigate.
I'm still scratching my head over that. Brad Dorrif is an intelligent man, but this is not an intelligent script. Enter a series of my pet peeves - a film that can't show its material, rather has to announce it all (the dogfight scenes, anything having anything to do with technology); reducing scientific speaktheoriesinventions to middle school buzzwords; Dourif's character explaining the mission to the expendables in such obviousidiotic terms. Very seldom has the script made that much effort to make it clear a character is lying. So clear that every other character should smell it and walk the other way, but they don't because that would be the intelligent thing to do and we wouldn't have a movie.
When a machine gun barely phases an alien, what would you do? Keep shooting or run? How -�¿ï¿½¿ï¿½¿ï¿½bout fight it barefisted? In Predator, Arnold knew he could hurt the creature when those two went head to head, they made it bleed and the guns could kill it but the problem was seeing it and hitting the damn thing. Back to Interceptor Force, when a gun isn't even making it blink, you can keep shooting, but I'll be in the next time zone.
CG is not the way to go for alien creatures for low budget films. This film makes it clear why HG Geiger and Stan Winston are atop their class, and why puppetssuitsmakeup is still superior to CGI for many effects. Last comments on the alien: it has the ability to walk through walls, but only seems to use that ability for the bad guys. The good guys it'll face in wide open. Discrimination?
Whew, sound effects, from what I heard, are mostly stock that have been used in video games (Doom) and other movies (Predator). The creature's POV shots -' nice green tint and way too many cuts to the alien's perspective. It gets nauseating to watch. The characters - unbiased stupidity all around. Everyone gets a bad rep in this film. From the Mexicans, to the Americans, the men, the women-everyone has maybe one intelligent line. Maybe. Why didn't the alien stop and give a speech about Solaranite and end with `You humans and your stupid minds! Stupid! STUPID!'
Even as a comedy it fails. There is a point when the lines get too cheesy, too stupid, the situations get too unrealistic and too unbelievable to sustain even a silly picture. Even though I'm not that big a fan of the Death Machine I will say that at least that film knew what it was doing.
Review by jaywolfenstien from the Internet Movie Database.