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Vicious Lips

Vicious Lips (1986) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  84m  •    •  Directed by: Albert Pyun.  •  Starring: Dru-Anne Perry, Gina Calabrese, Linda Kerridge, Shayne Farris, Anthony Kentz, Christian Andrews, Mary-Anne Graves, Jeff Yesko, Eric Bartsch, Brian Maguire, Don Barnhart Jr., Angela O'Neill, Steve Donmyer.  •  Music by: Michael McCarty.
        Sometime in the distant future, a fledgling band gets an opportunity for a breakthrough, if they can make it in time to a faraway planet to perform in a very popular club.


Image from: Vicious Lips (1986)
Image from: Vicious Lips (1986)
Image from: Vicious Lips (1986)
Image from: Vicious Lips (1986)
Image from: Vicious Lips (1986)
I am a big Albert Pyun fan (The Sword and the Sorcerer and Cyborg being my favorites), I will watch anything he does. I just came across Vicious Lips on Netflix, and remembered thinking (as a kid) that this movie was a lot of fun. So I just watched it for the first time in probably 20 years. It's fun, if for nothing else, for the 80's big hair and synth music. The premise is simple (and never gets any more interesting), an intergalactic all girls band (in total 80's big hair style) gets a chance for their big break, if they can make it to a club on another planet in time... Yup, that's the plot! So the girls board a space ship carrying a caged monster (don't get excited, it's not at all as cool as it sounds) and head off to there gig...

I remembered this movie being really funny and having lots of T & A, neither is true. I'd classify it as cute (not funny) and it has next to no nudity (except a brief scene with two beautiful ladies on the sand planet). And the caged "monster" is more of Lon Chaney Jr Wolfman than a monster. The all girl band is fun, with all the girls being fun and believable as and 80's hair band. One of the biggest problems is there are only a couple locations in the movie, and it restricts the story immensely (even for a Pyun film!). Once the girls are on their way (about 30 minutes into the film), the ship crash lands on a desert planet, and the rest of the movie takes place here. The films lack of budget shows, and didn't even try to look like it had one.

If you are an Albert Pyun fan, check it out, its definitely worth a watch. If you like bad sci- fi or bad 80's movies, give it a try.

Review by bcbell79 from the Internet Movie Database.