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Captive (1980) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  95m  •    •  Directed by: Robert Emenegger, Allan Sandler.  •  Starring: Cameron Mitchell, David Ladd, Lori Saunders, Dan Sturkie, Donald Bishop, Dan Sandler, Ashley Emenegger, Augie Tribach, Michael Catlin, Helen Price Marshall, Robert Emenegger, Michael Gregory, Jerry Prell.  •  Music by: Robert Emenegger.
      Earth and the planet Sthyrolia are at war over the possession of valuable Dirathium crystals. A Styrolian warship is shot down on Earth, and the surviving aliens make their way to a nearby farmhouse where they take the family captive.


Image from: Captive (1980)
Image from: Captive (1980)
Image from: Captive (1980)
Image from: Captive (1980)
Image from: Captive (1980)
Image from: Captive (1980)
CAPTIVE is one of a handful of cheapo sci-fi movies churned out by Californian director Robert Emenegger around 1980. So far, this is the best out of the ones I've seen, as it's the only one approaching a half decent film. That's because the story is a well written hostagesiege scenario, and it doesn't need money or lame special effects to make it work.

The movie features a nice turn from Cameron Mitchell as a violent alien who seems to enjoy killing animals. He finds himself stranded on Earth with a companion, and the two of them hole up at a rural farmhouse while trying to figure out what to do. Plot twists ensue, and it's all handled with pace and flair by Emenegger, who seems to be trying a lot harder this time around. The supporting cast includes a turn from David Ladd, son of Alan. There's some surprising violence in the production which is handled well on the zero budget, and as a whole this one keeps you watching from beginning to end.

Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.