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Kill Order

Kill Order (2017) Movie Poster
Canada  •    •  77m  •    •  Directed by: James Mark.  •  Starring: Denis Akiyama, Jonny Caines, Scott Cavalheiro, Jessica Clement, Amos Crawley, Eric Daniel, Troy Feldman, Jason Gosbee, Melee Hutton, Reuben Langdon, Jennifer Li, Chris Mark, Eli Martyr..
        When David, a troubled high school student who appears to suffer from mental illness, finds himself in a situation where he is about to be taken captive for reasons unknown, a dark power takes over his body opening the doors to a world of superhuman abilities and a past kept secret.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
Image from: Kill Order (2017)
The acting is worse than wet cardboard and the plot is written on toilet paper. It's simply a kid getting the shite beat out of him before he hallucinates and his eyes glow and he wins every fight. It's boring. By the 4th fight, I was like, ok, when will his eyes glow? There they are. Now he'll win. And that's the entire plot of the movie. Eyes glow, boy wins. And I say boy.... the hero actor would be fine in other roles, but we're expected to look at the fittest, muscular blokes beat the shite out of this twig of a kid who could unleash a fury of thumb in fist beatings on anyone in a gym for more than 2 months without feeling anything, and we are expected to believe he's a lethal weapon. It's quite unbelievable.

Save yourself the time, don't watch this. Use the hour to take a walk with your dog, pet your cat, play a video game, or drill your own teeth with an awl, they would all be more pleasurable than having to watch this film.

Review by paq5528 from the Internet Movie Database.