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Skud fra Hjertet, Et

Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986) Movie Poster
Denmark  •    •  77m  •    •  Directed by: Kristian Levring.  •  Starring: Henrik Birk, Lizzie Corfixen, Ole Dupont, Claus Flygare, Steen Birger Jørgensen, Pouel Kern, Lars Oluf Larsen, Claus Lembeck, Frank Schaufuss, Lars Sidenius, Niels Skousen, Morten Suurballe, Susanne Voldmester.  •  Music by: Lars H.U.G..
        In the future northern Europe is like a deserted and wild area. A group of soldiers has to take a dangerous political prisoner south, but their transport bus is subjected to an assault.


Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
Image from: Skud fra Hjertet, Et (1986)
A totally unique film in Danish film history. A post-apocalyptic science fiction film. Only a little more than 3000 people saw the film in the Danish cinemas, but it´s not really that bad. It's a mixture of Italian "Mad Max" rip off´s, Andrei Tarkovsky´s films, Lars Von Triers "The Element of Crime" and Luc Besson´s "Le Dernier combat".

The theme is your responsibility to do what is right, even though you have been ordered to do something else. It's a film which in many ways are very similar to Kristian Levring´s other films. It´s also about isolated people under enormous pressure, and how they react under these extreme circumstances.

This film tries to both be an art cinema film and an action film, but do not succeed completely in any of the genres. But still it´s not uninteresting. The biggest problem with the film is the really bad sound work, which means that the lips are not in sync when the actors are speaking. Steen Jørgensen, the singer of the famous danish band Sort Sol plays the films bad guy "Gule"("Yellow"), but Sort Sol has not delivered any of the music to the film.

Review by kaurismaki1 from the Internet Movie Database.