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Australia 1996 95m      Directed by: John Tatoulis. Starring: Peter Phelps, Carolyn Bock, William Zappa, Bradley Byquar, Alex Menglet, Jeff Kovski, Warwick Sadler, Simon Wilton, Richard Aspel, Bruno Stepnell, David Tredinnick, Terry Carter, Russell Frost. Music by: Burkhard von Dallwitz.
Fourty years of war between the Federated Republics and the New Territories Union has taken its toll. The cities are overcrowded, farming land is riddled with unexploded mines -- and still there is no hope of peace. In this hostile, decaying world, one thing remains constant for Lieutenant Leo Megaw; his love for his pregnant wife. Her access to classified information makes her an increasing liability for the government. When she's ambushed, Leo is forced into exile. As a border patrolman on the isolated outpost of Zone 39, ordered to kill anyone that tries to cross the border, he comes to understand that the real enemy is not looming across the border but standing right behind him...
What do we have here? More futuristic doom and gloom! It is an age of communication technology (amidst the crumbling and decaying real world) where the unscrupulous have seized power - could be November 2001 couldn't it?
Alert computer techo Ann (Carolyn Bock), quite by accident stumbles across something she wasn't supposed to and quicker than you can say "back up the hard drive," she's outta here - a statistic! A dead one at that. Grieving husband MaGaw (Phelps) a zone soldier (the counterpart of 'Mo' (Dylan McDermott) in HARDWARE) is totally miffed by this turn of events and in his anguish, volunteers for a turn at the outpost Zone 39, suffering obviously from a touch of the DANCES WITH WOLVES syndrome. NO-ONE in their right mind 'volunteers' for Zone 39!! This high-tech, end-of-the-line foxhole, squares off against 'the enemy' in a similarly fortified outpost across the desert, wastelands, whatever you want to call it.
With only oddball "Alfie the Lizard" for human companionship, Magaw resorts to drug induced stupors to help pass the time, during which he re-visits his life with Ann in the occasional flashback. Eventually he decides "Well hell, my counterpart across the desert there, might just be a nice guy after all?" We are then staring down the barrel of the beginning of a new film "MAD MAX FINDS HELL IN THE PACIFIC." I just hope Lee Marvin never gets to read this!
Review by uds3 from the Internet Movie Database.