The earth retrieves some RNA and then later it is a virus, from a comet and deliberately crash it into Africa in hopes that it will ravage the planet of much of the human life to pave the way for the "Aryan Messiah" according to General Wallace (Stacy Keach). The virus managed to survive the inferno of the crash. The beginning of the film has flashbacks of John Denniel (Jeff Wincott) and him narrating his bad dream about the death of his father. John who is scientific researcher and helicopter pilot id being pursued by his wife Anna (Maria Ford) fellow researcher and helicopter pilot. She is attempting to shoot down his helicopter to recover "the ark." What we notice is that their clothes are color coordinated with the color of the helicopter with Ford in red and Wincott in blue. Clearly this is the work of the genius of Roger Corman who created well coordinated costumes and vehicles in "Death Race 2000" perhaps the greatest snub in Oscar History since "Billy Jack" or anything Jennifer Aniston thinks she deserves.
What Anna wants is the other half of the story. They managed to have created zygotes of mixed humananimal genes from which they can extract serum for a cure to save the planet. He wants to extract the serum and allow the zygotes to die while Maria wants to bring the Doctor Moreau zygotes to term because they may have souls...even though they will most likely die at some point while developing.
This seem liked a great idea, but they employed deplorable actors and dialogue to bring this film to life plus the low budget aspect turned this into a nearly unwatchable film with the distraction of the idiotic Alice in Wonderland metaphors and dream sequence that should have been spent on developing a better linear plot.
Yes, Maria Ford gets naked early in the film, but if you keep watching just or another scene of her, you are wasting your time.
Review by nogodnomasters from the Internet Movie Database.