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Mind Ripper

Mind Ripper (1995) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  108m  •    •  Directed by: Joe Gayton.  •  Starring: Lance Henriksen, Claire Stansfield, John Diehl, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Gregory Sporleder, Giovanni Ribisi, Dan Blom, Adam Solomon, John Apicella, Peter Shepherd.  •  Music by: J. Peter Robinson.
        A top secret experiment intended to produce a superhuman has gone terribly wrong. Now the creators, trapped in a remote desert outpost, are being pursued ruthlessly by their creation. With the door sealed from within, there is no way out.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
Image from: Mind Ripper (1995)
This film has the dreaded presents in the title so you know it is not going to be a great thrill ride. You know, so and so presents, like the producer of The Conjuring presents! Well this one has Wes Craven doing the presenting, but something tells me that is about as much as he did except maybe loaning his son some money to make this film that follows the premise of so many horror films and manages to do it in about the same way except with this one we get to watch an annoying brother and sister enter the facility with the rampaging super steroid man with a proboscis for a tongue, because dad just cannot say 'no' when it comes to his little girl...

The story has a person found on the rocks near death, so some scientists decide that since he is near death they have every right to experiment on him, giving him a virus that turns him into a massively muscular metal dude who likes to eat brains! Well, that comes later as Lance Henrickson was there, but then he quit as he tired of feeding soup and reading to the freak of nature. Well, the experiment gets free showing super strength and a will to kill! That does not matter, because instead of getting out, one guy is determined to catch this unstoppable monstrosity! Meanwhile, Lance decides to bring his kids to his former place of employment because reasons.

There are some decent effects in the movie, but there are way better monsters in underground bunkers than this junker. It is mainly the brother and sister and her boyfriend that totally make you just want the film to win with the monster throwing his arms in the air victorious! The son is annoying, the boyfriend stupid and the daughter, well, she's pretty stupid too. We get to see them make popcorn, get totally fake angry and fly a plane with minimal instructions while poor mind ripper keeps getting hurt more and more.

So, this film most likely never saw a day with Craven on set, because his only job was to get his name out there so we all go, "Oh man! It's the new Wes Craven film" when it really has nothing to do with him, but rather his son. We get some cool scenes as the muscle dudemonster has some gross things happening with him, but we do not get to seem him kill all that much as this film was more wanting to let the entire annoying family survive! I can't imagine why Mind Ripper 2 never came out...

Review by Aaron1375 from the Internet Movie Database.