UK 1995 90m Directed by: Ngozi Onwurah. Starring: Suzette Llewellyn, Saffron Burrows, Felix Joseph, Valentine Nonyela, Ben Wynter, Sian Martin, Jason Traynor, Brian Bovell, Cynthia Powell, Natasha Romulus, Marica Myrie, Olu Taiwo, Charlotte Moore. Music by: David A. Hughes.
Spike and his sister Anjela live in the Terrordome, a huge ghetto that all the blacks have been forced to live in. Jodie, Spike's pregnant white girlfriend, ran away from an abusive white boyfriend who, after seeing her with Spike, sets up a trap for her. Spike's 11-year old nephew Hector dies as a result of this trap, and Anjela, finding the body of her son, goes on a police-killing rampage. Her apprehension sets off tension between Spike and his brother-in-law, as a race war broods inside the Terrordome.
Welcome II The Terrordome is one of those films in a very long line that I have been curious about ever since I heard of the film. But this one is a little different, the only ever advertising or promotion of this film i ever came across was in an issue of Empire, and it was the very same Issue where they reviewed the film and gave it one star.
But still, the concept was there, and the title was a reference to Public Enemy, and this was a time when I was going through a phase of rap. But that's all it was, a phase, and thanks to the likes of the aforementioned rap act, Ice Cube, Dre, Snoop, and Boyz N the Hood, the UK gave us Credit To The Nation, The Real McCoy, and this, as a counter to the phase.
And while it has some good ideas, and some stark imagery, it's nothing more than a concept, and a slightly racist one at that. Here in the Terrordome, the minority is innocent. And the rest are bigots, choosing culture, creed, and colour as an excuse to cause some damage to the Terrordome.
It's a hybrid of A ClockWork Orange, BladeRunner, and Srtaight Out Of Brooklyn, and every bit as confusing as it sounds.
It has its moments though, the scene in the jail cell is pretty powerful, as is the mothers quest after a family member gets killed.
It's preaching to nobody, and almost offending every single ethnicity out there. I was stunned at some of the dialogue uttered by these people.
If your a Saffron Burrows completest, go ahead, she's in it, but the film is pointless, and the fact that it took the makers three years to get funding, must had said something.
Review by FlashCallahan from the Internet Movie Database.