In this sequel to MANDROID (Which I have never seen) scientist Benjamin Knight, seeks to find a formula that will restore him to his human form (he's invisible) in the meantime he must save his two scientist pals WADE & ZANNA from the evil DR. DRAGO & a police commander, who along with an evil doctor, wants to learn the secrets to the formula of invisibility. Dressed like the Invisible Man (This is the second time FULLMOON paid tribute to the INVISIBLE MAN, the other time was PUPPET MASTER 2, when the puppet master Toulon assumed the identity, but he wasn't invisible) he sets out to save the good & destroy the evildoers, aided by WADE, who despite being wheel chair bound, uses the MANDROID machine to fight alongside him. But can they stop Drago & his evil henchmen? or will they die trying? As I stated above, I never did see the first film MANDROID, but while that usually means nothing but confusion skipping the first film & seeing the sequel (or sequels) thankfully that wasn't the case here. INVISIBLE'S story is pretty easy to follow & is not confusing at all, you don't need to see MANDROID, to understand INVISIBLE, everything is explained & actually the film is quiet fun, with fun characters & pretty good direction. The actors weren't to bad here & the film is sadly one of the last few films to come out of FULLMOON'S gate that contained that FULLMOON magic that was so prevalent from many of their films in the early to mid nineties. Definitely recommended to fans of the genre. Lots of nifty special effects & stunts, despite the obvious low budget.
12 stars
The character of BENJAMIN KNIGHT was originally set to make one more appearance alongside some other superhero's in LEGION OF DOOM, a film that sadly went unproduced by FULLMOON, when the company wound up closing it's doors, not long after the release of this film.
Review by Prolox from the Internet Movie Database.