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Nexus 2.431

Nexus 2.431 (1994) Movie Poster
Czech Republic / Spain / UK  •    •    •  Directed by: José María Forqué.  •  Starring: Oliver Tobias, Jeremy Gilley, Oona Kirsch, Cristina Goyanes, Struan Rodger, David Prachar, Jana Svandová, Jan Preucil, Miroslav Táborský, Jan Kanyza, Dagmar Bláhová, Zdenek Podhurský, Karel Hábl..
     Sometime in the distant future, several earthlings turn up on a strange planet ruled over by a despotic ruler with magic powers. A young earth-man initiates a successful uprising.


Image from: Nexus 2.431 (1994)
Image from: Nexus 2.431 (1994)
Image from: Nexus 2.431 (1994)
Image from: Nexus 2.431 (1994)
Image from: Nexus 2.431 (1994)
Horrible doesn't even begin to describe this awful trash. the special effects team used cardboard and glue throughout the whole movie, i.e. look at the hats-also an actual pez dispenser was used on the model of the feature spaceship-i kid you not a pez dispenser. this movie must have had the budget of my lunch money when i was a kid, my wife actually got physically ill watching it and so did i. I'm not the type of person who's so bored i write reviews on this website often, but this movie was so bad I was moved to warn anyone daring of buying or renting this to have a root canal done, it would be less painful. to make a movie worse than this one you would have to mix Dracula 3000, rhinestone and overboard together!

Review by msbollen from the Internet Movie Database.