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Rising Storm

Rising Storm (1989) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  95m  •    •  Directed by: Francis Schaeffer.  •  Starring: Zach Galligan, Wayne Crawford, June Chadwick, Elizabeth Keifer, John Rhys-Davies, Graham Clarke, Gordon Mulholland, Marloe Scott Wilson, Patrick Mynhardt, Graham Weir, Rod McCary, Deep Roy, Helena Kriel.  •  Music by: Julian Laxton.
     The year is 2099. The United States is ruled by the Reverend Jimmy Joe II, in a dictatorship where big guns and fundamentalist religion are used to keep the masses in control. The Reverend's troopers patrol the streets and the slums with assault rifles, ready to prevent any trouble from the revolutionary Kropfelders. Joe Gage and his brother Artie are petty criminals, involved in illegal vitamin trading and smuggling refugees into Mexico. Their business takes a downturn during Joe's stay in prison, and they find themselves without gainful employment. During an altercation in a flophouse, they meet up with Mila and Blaise Hart - two antique hunters who are looking for muscle to protect them while they do a little freelance archeology. With the promise of valuable memorabilia from the Twentieth Century, the Gages go with the two sisters as they follow their treasure map. But they cannot avoid attention from the Reverend's troopers - and after a while, Joe begins to suspect that there is more to the sisters' hunt than they have been told...


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Rising Storm (1989)
Image from: Rising Storm (1989)
Image from: Rising Storm (1989)
Image from: Rising Storm (1989)
I have watched my fair share of Post-Apocalyptic movies and I thought I would probably like this one but it honestly didn't really grab me in a big way.

When the movie starts up and it said Directed by Franky Schaeffer, I remembered I had seen a movie by him yonks ago, 'Booby Trap' I think it was, which was another PA movie but if my memory serves I don't think it was as jokey as Rising Storm is. To set the tone of RS it starts out kind of like a parody of the opening sequence of Blues Brothers, with the character that is played by Galligan collecting his brother from Prison upon his even makes the joke about the absence of the nice car they used to own.

As the movie slowly progresses we learn about the wastes being governed by a Televangelist, which is a unique plot point but doesn't add anything interesting to the movie. The brothers set off on their adventure, get up to some low-brow high-jinx and eventually meet up with two women whom end up becoming their companions. Will they bring down the dictatorship? Will they live to eat McDonald's again? Will Bill Katt make a small but significant appearance more than once? You have to watch to find out...but I thought this was really a bit drab, only half the jokes seemed to work and even then they were very mild. If you are still interested then by all means, head into the wastes for the VHS!

Review by MeanYOB64 from the Internet Movie Database.