USA 1990 82m      Directed by: David A. Prior. Starring: David Carradine, Ted Prior, Patrick Culliton, Gail Jensen, Charles Napier, Renée Cline, Ronald Taft, Jackson Bostwick, Dave Scott, Rose Stabler, Don Stewart, Danielle Lamprakes, Townsend Ellis. Music by: John W. Morgan, William T. Stromberg.
Legendary bounty hunter John Tucker is about to face the most dangerous ordeal of his career. But luckily, he's armed with his most powerful weapon yet--his grown son Billy, who has traveled back in time to save him from the city's most brutal gang of criminals.
David Carradine stars as John Tucker, bounty hunter for the C.O.P.S. program of... the future? Something like that. Here's the deal, or the (il)logic, if need be: people in bad late-80s costumes run around blowing things up. That's fine. They also depend on John Tucker to save the day. Great! They all have regular modern-day weaponry. I can handle that... Except John Tucker.
John Tucker has two secret weapons. He has a glove that can shoot laser beams and fly by remote control. He has a son who has traveled back from the future to aid in his quest to... do something, as the whole plot, whys and wherefores, was kind of lost to me behind all the ugly hair-does and Carradine's bloating body. I don't know how the future has the capability of creating great technologies like video-calling and mega-awesome glove weaponry, and yet the enemies still have to piddle around with their old-school semi-automatics. I also don't quite know why Tucker just doesn't use his glove ALL THE TIME. And I really couldn't tell you if the movie in question ever explains how it comes to be that his son is able to travel through time.
So don't worry about it. Just watch, uh, bad explosions and Carradine try to keep a straight face as he pronounces his love to one of the most hideously ugly women ever to have a prominent supporting role. Oh, and Tucker's son is also played by the director.
Review by Polaris_DiB from the Internet Movie Database.