This is quite insane, but in a way can also be lovely. It also is not a sequel story wise, only in title and has again the same trio the first one had. They play different characters and they have a mission. Well two of them seem to have one. To alter the past... but you know this is a comedy so... do rules apply or do you just go with the flow? The actors obviously had fun.
And while this is mainly and mostly German, some of the stars of the era were international and were dubbed. I do wonder if they said their text phonetically, so the lip movement matched the things they were saying. Very lovely cast then including Police Academys Michael Winslow and the ultimate looking for Freedom star David Hasselhoff.
Having said that all, the movie did not care about sensitivities, like racially charged jokes and all that. This is as silly as it can get... but with a few good twists to hold your attention for most of the time. Don't take it seriously and never mind Gottschalk not being able to act if his life depended on it.
Review by kosmasp from the Internet Movie Database.