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 USA 1988 83m      Directed by: Paul Mayersberg. Starring: David Birney, Sarah Douglas, Alexis Kanner, Andra Millian, Starr Andreeff, Chuck Hayward, Jonathan Emerson, Susie Lindeman, Russell Wiggins, Larry Hankin, Ronald R. Burns, Bernard J. Garsen, Dan Wells. Music by: Frank Serafine.
This sci-fi drama is based upon a classic story by Isaac Asimov. It is set upon a planet located in a solar system with three suns. The trouble begins when both a seer and an astronomer predict a once-per-millenium solar eclipse and the prediction comes true. Never having seen darkness, the people are terrified and in trying to cope, a great social schism occurs. Half the population begins believing that the eclipse heralds the demise of their civilization and live accordingly, while the other more optimistic half simply head underground to await the dawning of a brand new day.
"Nightfall" is truly the worst movie I have ever seen. I didn't actually walk out on this one, but only because I had rented this on video and therefore wasn't in a theater from which I could walk out of. "Police Academy 5" wins the honors of the only movie I have ever walked out of - a movie I only bought a ticket for because the other ones I wanted to see were already sold out. "Nightfall" made me truly appreciate the invention of the "fast forward" button on the remote control.
I saw it sitting on the shelf of the video rental shop, and having read the book by Isaac Asimov a few years ago, thought it might be an interesting flick to rent. The book was pretty good.... I figured a movie based on the book oughta' be decent.
DOH!!! Wrong... think again.
This movie was in every way, shape, and form a complete waste of time and money by me as the viewer, and whoever it was that in any way contributed to the production of this pathetic film. To be more specific:
- The movie had almost nothing to do with the book. The book spent a lot of time having in depth discussions of the cultural impact of the darkness upon a society with ever-present sunlight. The movie focused on cheesy melodramatic lines by actors who wanted to look like Fabio, but looked more like the kind of people who hang around outside of the studio of the "Today" show every morning with a sweet potato pie which they drove in their Ford LTD station wagon from Alabama in hopes of giving it (the sweet potato pie, not the station wagon) to the guy doing the weather.
- The acting was horrible - It is no exaggeration to say I've seen better and more convincing acting in an elementary school play.
- The gratuitous sex scene was completely unnecessary and lousy - and something that wasn't even in the book. If you're going to have a lousy movie, then at least throw in a decent sex scene that everyone will remember and talk about, to help offset the terrible acting and plot - you know, kind of like any movie with Sharon Stone.
- The sets were terrible - "Clerks" was made for a fraction of the cost and made better use of the convenience store "set" on which it was filmed. This movie looked like someone got their artistic set design inspiration from a combination of The Flintstones and that "Star Trek" episode where Kirk is running around the desert hills of southern California trying to kill the guy in the cheap lizard suit.
- Costumes looked like something from Toga Day during high school. I mean, even Julie Andrews was able to make the curtains look somewhat like clothes. I've seen better costume direction in most episodes of "Scooby Doo".
I could go on and on and on about how bad this movie is, but as I sit here typing this review, I realize that just spending time talking about this movie is adding to the total amount of time in my life which I've wasted as a result of renting this movie. Be afraid... be very afraid. If you see this movie sitting on the shelf at your local video store, rent it only if you're trying to scare off a boyfriendgirlfriend you've been trying to break up with. After forcing your significant other to sit through this movie, you can heap praise upon this pathetic attempt at film making thereby frightening away your potential mate by convincing himher that you're almost, but not quite entirely, a complete and total waste of time - just like this movie is.
Review by Dan-316 from the Internet Movie Database.