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Vivo Retrato, El

Vivo Retrato, El (1986) Movie Poster
Spain  •    •  97m  •    •  Directed by: Mario Menéndez.  •  Starring: Victoria Vera, Javier Loyola, Jack Taylor, Andreas Prittwitz, César Sánchez, Paco Hernández, María Elena Flores, Ceferino Cancio, José Antonio Lobato, Etelvino Vázquez, Araceli García, Rosabel Berrocal, Andrés Presumido.  •  Music by: Pablo Miyar.
     The year is 2045. Jonás Godesberg, a man who looks amazingly like Luis Eduardo Aute, dictates his memoirs to a computer. He tells the story of how his grandfather, German scientist Gustav Godesberg, developed genetic engineering experiments for the Nazis during World War II, arrived at the Spanish coast after surviving a ship wreck, and fell for Amalia, a prostitute nicknamed 'The German'. Together, they developed a business that sold babies that had been genetically modified to look like whoever the buyer wanted them to.


Image from: Vivo Retrato, El (1986)
Image from: Vivo Retrato, El (1986)
Image from: Vivo Retrato, El (1986)
Image from: Vivo Retrato, El (1986)
The year is 2045. Jonás Godesberg, a man who looks amazingly like Luis Eduardo Aute, dictates his memoirs to a computer. He tells the story of how his grandfather, German scientist Gustav Godesberg, developed genetic engineering experiments for the Nazis during World War II, arrived at the Spanish coast after surviving a ship wreck, and fell for Amalia, a prostitute nicknamed 'The German'. Together, they developed a business that sold babies that had been genetically modified to look like whoever the buyer wanted them to.

Review from the Internet Movie Database.